
Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Man and Light

There are only two types of Souls in the Universe that have the capability to Create with Love, assimilate with the Harmony Vibration of the Universe, and produce Light Forms as particles of matter. These two Soul types are Man of Destiny Souls and Lightworker Souls. In the long run there is no difference between each Soul type’s outcome in becoming a Caretaker of All Life Forms in the Universe and to assist God with the growth and expansion of the Universe. The only difference between the two is in the way both Soul types began into motion with the Universe. Lightworker Souls began in the Universe as a Light Form with full understanding of the Power of Love and are designed to assume the responsibility of being a Caretaker with the Universe in order to assist God with the growth and expansion of the Universe. Man of Destiny Souls on the other hand, begin in an evolutionary process by first learning about the Power of Love within his or her immediate world in order to grow into his or her future role.

The process of learning about the Power of Love for Man of Destiny involves an evolutionary process of growing through four stages of Spiritual Knowledge to gain understanding for his or her future role as a Caretaker of the Universe. Man of Destiny Souls first begin the evolutionary process as an egocentric being, full of fear, lacking in trust, and socially deficient. As learning progresses into the second stage, awareness of others in his or her world begins, and with it, God Consciousness. This stage leads to the third stage of learning and utilizes God Consciousness to influence the Soul to accept social learning and social encounters as positive experiences rather than as fearful experiences. The final Spiritual stage of Man of Destiny’s learning process serves to introduce a broadminded social approach for learning and understanding with philosophical concepts. This evolutionary process is not an “overnight” sequence of study but a process that can take several lifetimes spanning a century to a millennia or more.

Whenever Man of Destiny Souls reach a new stage of learning, his or her natural tendency is to always fall back on what is known and well understood – the egocentric stage of fear, lack of trust, and social deficiency. In the days to come many Man of Destiny Souls will be called upon to drop all fear and move to progress with the growth and expansion of the Universe. For when the Energy Vibration for the final week of August 2014 arrives, there will be two significant events being introduced to demonstrate the growth and expansion of the Universe upon Mother Earth. The first event will be the first unifying Project of Man and Light in the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon on August 25, 2014. The Project of Man and Light will endure from August 25, 2014 through March 27, 2017, when the transitional stage of the New Horizon finally completes. During this Time, Man of Destiny Souls will have only one choice – to be a part of the growth and expansion of the Universe or to phase out. This will become more apparent when the Energy from December 4, 2014 through July 31, 2016 serves to produce the Harmony Vibration for Man of Destiny to make the possibility of Unity with God possible! However, many of these Souls will spend the year “hiding in fear” rather than moving forward with the New Energy!

The second event will lead to elevation of some Lightworker Souls into prominent leadership roles beginning on August 29, 2014. Worldwide in scale, the new crop of leadership will rise and bring forth an auxiliary force of Light to assist the placement of Mother Earth’s foundation for the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon. Man of Destiny Souls will welcome the new leadership at first, but as Time moves forward, they will revert to “listening without understanding” only to give commentary and feedback as if this were a debate rather than the growth and expansion of the Universe as well as on Mother Earth! The leadership of the Light will be “tunnel-visioned” in scope and duty to God and the Universe. So do not let Man of Destiny’s fear, worries, and petty concerns burden you while assisting God and the Universe to Create the possibility of Unity with God for all Man of Destiny Souls!

In understanding the evolutionary cycle of Man of Destiny Souls, dear Ones, you will better understand the actions and motivations of the many Man of Destiny Souls upon Mother Earth in the days to come. The months of September and October 2014 will bring further evidence of Man’s world being replaced with the New Foundation of the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon. By November 2014 the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon will be fully in effect and bring “great panic” to Man’s world and all things in disharmony with Mother Earth’s fully merged Body and Soul operating within the Energy of the Universe! When December 28, 2014 arrives a New Era begins as Man of Destiny Souls who will only have base level Spiritual Knowledge and no recognition of God Consciousness will begin to “phase out” and bring an end to any counter influences in Mother Earth’s quest to fully integrate into the Fifth Dimension! Have cheer, dear Ones, for your Projects of Light and Love will begin to blossom like never before!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The Beginning of the Beginning

When the Energy of August 18, 2014 arrives so will the opening of the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon! All experiences upon Mother Earth will never be the same and thus, past experiences will no longer be valid. The most important thing to revere in these days will be your personal relationship with God. Some will think this to be a religious experience but it is not, rather it is the cornerstone of your Spiritual Relationship in Unity with God! From August 18, 2014 through February 7, 2015, when all Lightworkers within the Legion of Light take charge of Mother Earth’s progress within the Universe, you will be gaining Spiritual Experience to validate your relationship in Unity with God further than at any point of Time you have ever witnessed upon Mother Earth! This will come to serve you well, dear Ones, for within your Heart and Soul is the Universe’s Foundation and the Unlimited Love required to Re-Create the Universe upon the New Earth!

Man of Destiny Souls’ choice to participate in the New Horizon or not will be completed by August 6, 2014. The difference this will produce for those who will choose to participate in the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon will be the learning, assimilating, and Spiritual Experience to eventually serve with Lovingness in the Status of Unity with God. For those who will choose not to participate, the pathways they will choose will lead them to be removed from any place of influence upon Earth along with the loss of his or her ability to Create in the New Horizon, for no one will be allowed to Create without Love in the Fifth Dimension! In this way, dear Ones, you will not be obstructed, hindered, or blocked in any way by Man of Destiny Souls who do not understand that the Beginning of the Beginning with God is a New Era beginning upon Mother Earth!

For those who will continue to believe that nothing has changed or who continue to follow the rules of the Third and Fourth Dimensions, a multitude of further examples for learning will occur to demonstrate that there is a New Era and rules in effect beginning upon Mother Earth! Watch the aftermath of the recent warlike activities begun during Man of Destiny’s Choice process from July 12 through August 6, 2014 to see where the “Instant Karma” effect will bring the lessons of Lovingness upon Mother Earth. These negative actions will be allowed to gain momentum, not because this will increase or empower Man of Destiny’s efforts to continue in Third and Fourth Dimensional fashion but in order that Man of Destiny Souls may learn with the Karmic Hand of the Universe!

The Karmic Hand of the Universe will begin in fullness on August 25, 2014 when the first Project of Man and Light will be set into motion for the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon. For Lightworker Souls this will mean, dear Ones, you will be in the activation mode of whatever is in your Heart and Soul to do in Unity with God! Your greatest assistance will come from the Harmony Vibration of the Universe that will be increasing and expanding fourfold upon Mother Earth from August 19, 2014 through November 13, 2014. In particular, this wave of the Harmony Vibration will be serving to boost your output of Love in order to Create with the Eternal degree and magnitude of the Universe! So be wise in your efforts!

Man of Destiny’s contribution will be limited in the Project of Man and Light by the extent of his or her knowledge and understanding about the Light, Love, and Harmony of the Universe for now. So do not have high expectations but an understanding that Man of Destiny Souls will finally be initiating his or her contributions in earnestness towards his or her task in order to fulfill his or her learning status for being in Unity with God. As Man Of Destiny Souls will find out, once he or she strays from learning about his or her new responsibilities, all things of “importance” will fall apart and force him or her to start over once more for the effect of “Instant Karma” will serve immediate justice in all ways for those involved!

The Freedom you will begin to internally feel in the days to come, dear Ones, will be the direct result of your Spiritual Relationship in Unity with God and the Unlimited Love you have within your Heart and Soul to express it! And as your relationship with God rekindles itself once more you will also find that you will no longer have any imaginary restrictions, boundaries, or limits placed upon you by man’s control systems! For as you know and understand, you are an Unlimited Co-Creator in Unity with God and in the Beginning of the Beginning with God ALL Things are possible and REAL in every sense for the growth and expansion of Love in the Universe!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

August 2014

The month of August 2014 will be the Beginning of the Beginning – The New Beginning upon Mother Earth with God the Father and Mother of ALL Things in the Fifth Dimension! There will be several Multidimensional and Multilayered Energy Vibrations beginning and completing to ensure that ALL Things will be on track to make it True! The Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon will arrive on August 18, 2014 when all previous Energy Events will blend together to Create the New Beginning with God. During the first week of August 2014 there will be two Energy Events completing but they will not be directly related to your endeavors, dear Ones. These two Events are intended for every Man of Destiny Soul to choose and consider.

The first Event is from July 12 through August 6, 2014 when Man of Destiny Souls will choose if he or she will be participating in Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon where God’s Presence will lead ALL Events upon Mother Earth on August 18, 2014 into the New Millennium. The second event has been in the background since November 14, 2013. This was an Energy designed to assist Man of Destiny Souls acclimate his or her Vibration from our Solar System to the Universal Vibration. It will complete on August 3, 2014. For those Man of Destiny Souls who will choose to proceed into the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon and increase his or her Vibration with the Universe, they will be ones to be ready for the rapid Changes that will come in the days after August 18, 2014!

Beginning on July 28, 2014 there will be a New Vibration making its presence seen and felt on Mother Earth. Its initial waves will arrive on July 28, 2014 and continue through August 30, 2014 and thereafter become permanent. You are already very familiar with its magnitude and frequency, dear Ones, for it is the Multidimensional Vibration of the upper Dimensions of the Universe. Right now you are accessing it unconsciously when you are alone in a relaxed state of mind or in your dream state. The feeling in these states of consciousness is familiar and yet unfamiliar and it is, for you are accessing God’s newest Dimension, the Eighth Dimension! By accessing the Eighth Dimension during this initializing time period you will be internally preparing yourself for the days ahead when the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon begins on August 18, 2014.

The New Vibration that arrives on July 28, 2014 will be introducing all Souls to the permanence of Fifth Dimension and its Way of working with Love – for nothing in the Fifth Dimension is possible without Love in all thoughts, deeds, or actions! This final stage into the Fifth Dimension will require all Souls to work with Love in all ways beginning on August 18, 2014. This will be especially True for Man of Destiny Souls as the first week of August 2014 will be very critical for his or her development and advancement into the Fifth Dimension. Freewill and Choice will serve as the way of entry into the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon as of August 18, 2014. For the Beginning of the Beginning Energy of August 18, 2014 will also introduce you, dear Ones, to a Space and Vibration where you will begin to place all things in your Heart and Soul into motion!

Your Heart and Soul, dear Ones, will be Creating with the New Vibration of the Universe from August 2 through August 22, 2014. With this initializing Energy you will begin seeing and feeling the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon open you up with an abundant and fruitful Energy designed to activate your role in the New Millennium! This will not be a difficult or exhausting process, rather it is your reintroduction to the potentiality you have to role model to the world how the Universal Energies work upon Mother Earth in the Fifth Dimension! The time period from August 18, 2014 through December 28, 2014 will serve as your reintroduction to the Fifth Dimension’s New Horizon as Man of Destiny Souls learn to become responsible and compliant with the New Vibration upon Mother Earth. After December 28, 2014 there will be a time of reorganizing ALL Things to prepare for the New Era of Peace and Tranquility upon Mother Earth beginning on February 7, 2014 when ALL Things will begin in a stage of Newness with your leadership and guidance of Light, Love, and Harmony with God!