
Showing posts with label forty days and forty nights. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forty days and forty nights. Show all posts

Saturday, April 21, 2012

A New World Emerges

A New World will emerge for everyone beginning on April 24, 2012! For two months there will be an intensified Energy that will begin to build the bridge into the New Horizon! What may still appear as a world without Change and in the neutral gear of movement is actually the diminishment of  Fourth Dimensional thoughts to initiate progress in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! You, dear Lightworker, have already initiated your own Path of Light on April 18, 2012 and will now progress into your Station of Light to increase awareness in all those who will listen that the only way into the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium will be with Lovingness in the Heart!

During the entire period of theses two months, April 24, 2012 through June 24, 2012, you, dear Lightworker, will be increasing in intensity, strength, and concentration to bring success for your Project of Light! There will be no interference in your task, and will be as if you were carrying the Shield of David, for it is so! Remain to your Heart, dear Lightworker, for Man of Destiny will not and cannot interfere so do not feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the magnitude of your Project! When all is complete on June 24, 2012 the New Horizon will be here for Man of Destiny and the Legion of Light!

Man of Destiny will be called into his or her own activation during this time frame twice, May 2, 2012 and May 7, 2012 through June 16, 2012. On May 2, 2012, Man of Destiny will not respond to the first call because of his or her lack of understanding in how to replace thoughts of fear with thoughts of Joy! Upon the second call, for forty days and forty nights of purification, Man of Destiny will be required to develop three understandings to bring Joy in Living into his or her New Earthly experience in the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium. The first understanding will be the need to develop his or her life’s foundation in Brotherhood Consciousness internally within him or herself. The second will be to learn how to implement Brotherhood Consciousness into his or her outer world, and lastly, to learn how to directly experience a world of Brotherhood Consciousness in a daily and practical manner! Once Man of Destiny will understand his or her need to develop in Brotherhood Consciousness, Joy in Living will come naturally and without hindrances!

After this extended period completes, Mother Earth will begin ushering in her own stage of evolution on June 26, 2012. This is the main reason, dear Lightworker, that you must know and understand the importance of your contribution in God’s Plan for Man of Destiny’s evolution towards becoming and living as a Spiritual Being upon Earth! For once Mother Earth executes and completes her own evolutionary steps, everything and everyone will be aligned with Mother Earth’s Plan to become the Abode of Peace and Harmony! Nothing will ever be the same again!

A New World will be emerging in the next few months! Many will try to resist its impulse but will not be allowed to do so! Those who will attempt to interfere will be moved out of the way for those who truly want to experience the Fifth Dimension and New Millennium! On May 15, 2012 all attempts to obstruct the New World’s emergence will be eliminated in power and stature, for the only Power anybody will need will be the Power of Love to Create a world with Brotherhood and Spiritual Prosperity – God’s Promise of Joy in Living for everyone! Thanks to you, dear Lightworker, a New World Emerges!